Nick's Sticks 100% Grass-fed Beef Snack Sticks

Nick's Sticks: 100% Grass-fed Beef and Free-range Turkey

Nick makes snack sticks that start with 100% grass-fed beef and free-range turkey. Next comes a dash of organic seasoned salt, blended into his proprietary recipe. The result…the cleanest and best-tasting snack sticks you can find. We refuse to use MSG, chemical nitrates, antibiotics, hormones, or gluten. We were one of the first sticks on the market to not use sugar or red dye casings.

We currently offer 4 flavors of snack sticks. The original flagship stick was our regular beef stick. It took nearly 2 years to perfect the right stick. Early test failure were too dry, too tough, too greasy, too salty, not enough salt…you get the idea. We finally dialed in the right combinations and started selling sticks all across the country. The second logical flavor was spicy. I had tried spicy jerky and sticks that were too hot, the flavor was lost because the heat ruined the flavor. To avoid making them too hot we decided on jalapeño instead of red pepper. The jalapeño seems to bypass that intense heat on the tongue, thus allowing the flavor to develop in the mouth and around the taste buds. We went with both jalapeño powder and chunks because we wanted to see and feel the texture of jalapeño. We think it creates a nice balance for the spicy lovers and also doesn't kill the mouth of the occasional spicy dabbler.

Next in line for our flavor experiment was using a friend of ours ground turkey. He's raising delicious birds out on real pasture and that flavor can't be matched by a confinement bird. We use the same recipe for both the original turkey and the spicy turkey and they instantly became popular for those looking to eat a variety of meat proteins.


About Nick's Sticks

Nick's Sticks is named for our founding farmer and visionary Nick Wallace. It's his vision, passion, and hard work that brings our high-quality, grass-fed beef and free-range turkey snack sticks to your home.

Raised in a small Iowa community, Nick graduated from the University of Iowa before tackling a year of culinary training. In 1998, he added "cancer survivor" to his long list of accomplishments. His battle against lymphoma sparked his interest in natural foods and drove him to change the food culture in the country. Nick is a true pioneer within the grass-fed beef and nutrient-dense food movements and is passionate about producing only the highest-quality food products.

Cattle that thrive on green grass, sunshine, and free-range living. This is the whole philosophy behind Nick's Sticks—a straightforward, uncomplicated food that nourishes your body and soul.

Why Grass-fed?

Not so many years ago, a majority of the beef in the United States was produced and finished by using grass exclusively. In fact, it wasn't until the 1950s that large feed lots and grain-fed techniques became widely popular. The grain-fed movement spread very quickly and by the 1980s, large feed lots were responsible for producing nearly 100% of this country's beef.

The nation's switch to grain had a strong rationale. Grain-fed techniques have neutralized many of the unpredictable variables associated with raising cattle (favorable weather, green grass, and steady pricing in the market) and significantly streamlined the nation's beef supply chain. However, several nutritional experts now believe that this migration to grain-fed beef was not in the best interest of our nation's long-term health. For instance, rates of heart disease and obesity in the U.S. have increased significantly during the last four decades. Many researchers believe that the timing of these two events is more than a mere coincidence.

While still a niche movement, grass-fed beef production and consumption is making a comeback.

Nick's Sticks are KETO Certified by the Paleo Foundation.






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